Thursday, February 28, 2013

Jeep Off Roading

Sure why not.  It’s a Jeep and it’s made to go off roading.  I think they’re were about 15 of us.  We pulled out about 9:30 AM.  We got back about 3:30 PM.  So here we go.


This cactus is telling us which way to go.DSC_0021

Ten miles off road one way up a mountain.DSC_0025

We had ATVs, side by sides, Jeep auto sedans and real JeepsDSC_0032 DSC_0033


A smooth part in the road.  Yes it’s a drop off…DSC_0068 DSC_0070 DSC_0079 DSC_0101 DSC_0105 DSC_0107

This is our group.  Nobody else was up there.DSC_0119 DSC_0120

Oh yea….DSC_0123 DSC_0125 DSC_0131

Then we went down…weeeeeeee….

It was a bumpy ride with a few hard places.  Been there done that in a Jeep.  Maybe next time in a side by side.

Today, Thursday was 8 weeks ago I had my little roll over accident.  Still on the road to recovery nad maybe a good to go from the ENT doc tomorrow.

See ya.,