We left Anchorage about 8:30 AM and went to Walmart. The base didn’t open till 9 AM and we didn’t want to wait. We stocked up some more.
We’re going down to the city of Hope about 100 miles south.

There is really Hope……….
We didn’t get any pictures of Hope. The city when you look at it, it appears to already lost Hope about 2-3 decades ago. We were too busy trying to get a site to get pictures. Seems like we forgot that it was Father’s Day weekend and the very rustic camp was full. Even the nearby US Forest Svc (USFS) campground was full. Bill and Jan were there as were the Harry and Carlena. They were looking but already had reserved sites just down the road a we bit.
Carol & I decided to go to Williwaw which is a USFS campground near Portage Glacier towards Whittier. They had about a dozen sites left out of 60 some sites. No problem. We found ours and claimed it.
This is a glacier right across from our site but is hidden by the overcast here. We saw it without the overcast and it was really nice. It even had blue ice showing then.
Well, we called Mark let him know about Hope. He decided to come up from Seward and he too was Hopeless. The park is now full by the time he got here. We had a plan C. He came to our site and backed into our long site. . We went up and talked to the Host who said as long as we weren’t on the grass or sticking out in the road she didn’t care. We were here under the old fart pass and it was $9 bucks. Adding Mark didn’t add any cost to the site. It was no HU.
We found out later that Sue Valentine was at a rest area near Hope and was staying there. She will check out Hope Sunday and see if the locals left hope for us and a site. We will then move back to Hope Sunday and have Hope again. It has a bar and a restaurant next to the so called camp sites. That’s the kind of Hope we’re looking for at the moment.
We cooked some chicken on the grill and ate inside. Then we all sat outside until about 10 PM. The skeeters were out but the wind kept most of them away. The big ones could navigate in the wind but we just ducked when they came zooming by.
Being here in a glacier valley it was kinda like opening the door to your freezer. After a while we got use to wearing heavy coats and hats. We just BSed until we ran out of stories.
Retirement is having Hope whenever possible.
See ya when we see ya hopefully.