Everybody is busy....... |
Sunday, May 31, 2015
Nuttin Honey
Saturday, May 30, 2015
Arrived in Tucson, AZ & 100+ degrees
Friday, May 29, 2015
Sedoa Loop & Moving Time Again
Thursday, May 28, 2015
Blog Don't Work
Wednesday, May 27, 2015
Did The Canyon Loop via Motorcycle
Carol & I got on the trike and did the Grand Canyon loop. It’s about 200 miles round trip. It was a a nice ride. Woods going up from Williams via Route 64/180 to the Grand Canyon. Then of course thru the Grand Canyon which was spectacular of course. Then out of the park and connected up to route 89 south to Flagstaff and back to the campground.
I think we started out about 10:30 AM and got back about 4 PM for a full day of sight seeing via motorcycle. Yes, we have pictures but can’t figure out how to get them to here yet.
See ya……
Carol & I got on the trike and did the Grand Canyon loop. It’s about 200 miles round trip. It was a a nice ride. Woods going up from Williams via Route 64/180 to the Grand Canyon. Then of course thru the Grand Canyon which was spectacular of course. Then out of the park and connected up to route 89 south to Flagstaff and back to the campground.
I think we started out about 10:30 AM and got back about 4 PM for a full day of sight seeing via motorcycle. Yes, we have pictures but can’t figure out how to get them to here yet.
See ya……
Tuesday, May 26, 2015
72 Degrees at 5:30 AM
The sun came up about 5:30 and the temp is 72 degrees here in Vegas. I went back to bed shortly after that.
We packed up and left for cooler weather. We got fuel in a small town for $2.89 charge. We ended up about around Flagstaff and about 7,200 feet altitude.

Blog inserted late due to Microsoft and Google can’t get it together about posting blogs.
The sun came up about 5:30 and the temp is 72 degrees here in Vegas. I went back to bed shortly after that.
We packed up and left for cooler weather. We got fuel in a small town for $2.89 charge. We ended up about around Flagstaff and about 7,200 feet altitude.

It was 69 degrees and sunny when we arrived about 2 PM. That’s just about right with the sun out and just a little wind. Getting here in the mid morning it got up to 86 degrees. The host said two days ago they got 6 inches of snow here. The sun and warmer temps melted it all pretty quick.
See ya……………

It was 69 degrees and sunny when we arrived about 2 PM. That’s just about right with the sun out and just a little wind. Getting here in the mid morning it got up to 86 degrees. The host said two days ago they got 6 inches of snow here. The sun and warmer temps melted it all pretty quick.
See ya……………
Monday, May 25, 2015
Finally Do The Strip……
No, not that kind of strip. Carol & I drove the Vegas strip on the Harley trike. We even stopped at the Harley Davidson dealer on the strip and looked around. Sorry, I don’t really see $38+ for a T-shirt.
We met Nick & Terry Russell at the Boulder Station Casino for their lunch buffet at 1:30. If you apply and get a members’ player card the buffet was only $6.99. We also got a buy one get free. Our lunch for two was $8 and change. The food was OK. Setting down and shooting the breeze with Nick & Terry was great and well over do.
We didn’t get to see Nick’s cat. Oh that’s Greg, the other Nick. I had to put the GoPro camera in a plastic bag because Nick was slobbering all over it. He has a blog at gypsyjournalrv.com/category/nicksblog/. You probably already read it. We solved all the world’s problems in theory….”get over it!” We got to talk about our “normal” families.” It was really great sharing……. We stayed for so long that buffet was changing over for dinner (4 PM). We were still full from the lunch.
We wanted to meet up with Gary & Mary Olson who live here but it just didn’t happen. Maybe in August we will have the opportunity again to try.
Well, my left foot started to hurt again a few days ago so I started taking the meds again. Old people don’t have money pouches they have pill pouches. The older we get the bigger the pill inventory. Got back from this running around and the foot is really hurting….blah…blah. No shoes for awhile again.
Our daughter Kristy came over for some of Mom’s home cooking dinner, hot dogs and tater salad. Isn’t that what all full timers eat? Kristy got to watch us load the motorcycle up, hook it up to the Jeep and then hook it all up to the RV. She said it looked awful long. It is. Then we put away our outside stuff. She said that it seemed like a lot of work and I guess it is to a non RVer. We didn’t do the hook ups. That will happen in the morning.
Well, with triple digit temps coming in a few days we’re out of here tomorrow. We will be heading for the mountains and trees. Which way do we go?
See ya…………..
Sunday, May 24, 2015
Memorial Day Ceremonies
Service men & women, past and present……. thank you……and a big Ohnn Rahhhhhhh.
I shy away from military recognition events like this for unknown reasons. Never been to The Wall. Maybe someday.
I watched the opening Memorial Day Ceremonies for the Indy 500…. it was very cool…among the best. Real good racing.
Then I watched the NASCAR race ceremonies. They were good too. I wished the Color Guard knew that their weapons are to be on their outside shoulders. One was and one wasn’t. Hey, it’s just on National TV on Memorial weekend and I guess someone didn’t check The Flag Manual. I think it was the National Guard Color Guard. Oh well…….the racing was really great.
I’ve been on many Color Guard details leading big parades in Pennsylvania for four years. I even got to be in one that welcomed home a Beirut hostage for those that remember those days. We had our pictures in the major news media…blah…blah…
We also did funeral details during those years for all branches of the service for veterans. One I remember had two buglers playing Taps. One was close the other was in the distance like an echo. Whoa, that was ever so memorable and brought tears.
I remember one town parade we were at and the parade officials wanted us to march behind the police horse Color Guard. It was real simple, we, Marines, march in front or we don’t march. They said fine and we left. We later got a letter of apology from the Mayor for their lack of knowledge of Flag Etiquette. You might not know this but the Marines are the oldest continuous military branch of service. Therefore, we march (with colors), first…period. It’s our honor, our privilege and right to do so.
It actually sprinkled here for about 10 minutes during the day. I guess that’s what they call 20% chance of rain. Later that night the other 80% came and it rained pretty good.
We are planning to leave Vegas Tuesday. It’s just not our cup of tea. Too many people in a small area. The idiot level percentage goes way up. We’re thinking of going somewhere where it’s cool. That’s before we hit real hot dry weather then on to hot weather and muggy. Still going to Tucson of course then on to Livingston.
It might be time to break out the Harley trike tomorrow, Memorial Day, and do the Vegas strip. Since it’s a straight, short and slow road Carol might go.
See ya……………..
Saturday, May 23, 2015
Commencement Day
Well, it’s official, our little girl has a BS in Psychology. We are very proud of her “I will do it” attitude. She’s already going for her Masters in Business Administration.
We were setting way up in the auditorium so the pictures are far from the greatest.
Over 900 hundred graduates with BS, BA, Masters and four with Dr’s. The crowd was in the thousands. Only one really counted to us.
Then it was off to one of HER favorite eateries…
We all had a lb of King Crab, lb crawfish and a softshell crab basket. Yes, it’s in Vegas and flown in each day so we were told!? It was good.
It was a great friggin day……..
See ya…….
Friday, May 22, 2015
Happy Birthday Kristy/Shake, Rattle & ?
Kristy, your only 30 some years young. Tomorrow (Sat) you graduate from college and are enrolled in your Master graduate classes already. Go girl! An amazing feat considering we’re your parents and neither one of us have much college. We can’t afford a new car for you because Mom spent it all on RVs and traveling around the U.S.A. for the past 15 years. I was just the driver driving Miss Daisy to her line dancing rallies. What can we say other than Congratulations on both accounts.
Earlier in the day the rig shook hard for about 2 or 3 seconds. How in the earth did someone hit us? Nope. The dryer went wacky. Nope. It’s a Tiffin. Nope. It must be a earthquake. Yep! Small but it makes you think to fill up your water and check your batteries. It was North of here about 75-90 miles and was a 4-8. No damage. OK folks, this is our second earthquake that we got rattled a little since RVing. The first one was in 2011 in Homer, AK. Then we thought the jacks were slipping on the shale rock. They were but due to the earthquake. Anyhow, enough excitement for one day.
See ya…
Thursday, May 21, 2015
RV Rigs DEF/Downtown Vegas
Newer RV’s need to add DEF to a special separate tank near their engine. Our DEF tank is on the wrong side to fill up while getting fuel. We have to turn around and go into the truck island the opposite direction. This can be a hassle. I usually fill portable containers then fill the RV tank rather than driving into the truck pump backwards. Today I decided to go fill my two portable empty DEF containers. On the way Carol & I stopped at Jack In the Box and had a cheap breakfast. At the Pilot truck stop I found an empty truck pump and pulled in with our Jeep. The DEF was $2.79 a gallon. When it’s bought at Walmart it’s about $5 a gallon w/tax in 2.5 gallon containers. So I saved over $5 per 2.5 container. I think it’s worth the little extra effort.
After that we decided to drive downtown Vegas. We haven’t been here since about 4 RV’s ago which was the Ultimate. Finding a parking spot is very hard for a newbie and we really didn’t try that hard. The drive down the main drive was something else for sure. It’s suppose to be even better at night with all the lights. I thin it would be cool on the Harley trike.
We then figured we would go to the Thousand Trails RV Park and see how it was doing. After some hunting around we found it and they let us in with no problem. We didn’t have our membership card with us. It basically looked the same which was tight sights but the park itself was only about 1/2 filled. Normally the temps are in the 90’s nearing 100 degrees. Today it was in the 70’s almost 15 degrees below normal. That’s great for us and those that are here.
While there at the park we found Dave and Marilyn Anderson. Friends from long long time ago. We did see them at the Escapade in March but didn’t get to spend any time with them. They’re doing great. We hope to spend some time with them before they leave next Tuesday like us.
It was then back to the rig. Our daughter called and she had lost her base pass. Carol met her at the visitor center and got her another pass. Then they went shopping on base and I retired for a nap. They returned with dinner which was Popeye’s chicken. We watched some TV together and played with the cat. She called our cat fat so the cat stopped playing. She went on home later.
Night was here and we went on to bed.
See ya……
Wednesday, May 20, 2015
RVing The Laid Back Way
This morning Carol & I went to the I.D. section on base. We needed to find out why our I.D.’s weren’t in the “system.” After verifying all of our information was correct they checked the “system” and said yes we were in the system and have been.
We went back to the visitor center and met our daughter there to get her a temporary pass. We were in and out in less than 5 minutes. They verified we were in the system and didn’t know why we weren’t the day before. I do. Improper trained troops without supervision who didn’t know how to check the “system.” She got her 3 day pass and will have to get another one Sunday. I wonder if we will still be in the “system.”
We sat around both inside and outside the RV. For dinner I put on some ribeye steaks on the grill. I think they turned out just the way everybody likes them.
Our daughter doesn’t have cable/satellite TV so we watched some TV shows with her. She liked playing with the cat and called it fat. Carol said no, it was just old age like us.
It was a nice laid back day with the temps only in at a very nice 78 degrees with overcast most of the day.
Our daughter is already planning her next graduation in 18 months. She is now attending classes for her Masters in business. Go girl…….
See ya……
Tuesday, May 19, 2015
GoPro & Vegas Baby
Let’s do Monday morning. I worked for 6 hours on the GoPro. It’s not plug and play nor user friendly or at least not for this user. I will have to revert to the internet in the near future I guess.
For our last meal here in Congress, AZ we went out to dinner with Denny & Susie to the Tasty Freeze for pizza. This place in Wickenburg has really nice pizza. Then they came back to our rig for the unresolved world problems. Later the problems weren’t fixed but we all know our jello plans and what if schedules.
Tuesday morning….. I disconnected the water and all that stuff. It was 60 degrees out at 7:30 AM so putting that stuff away was no problem. I had to put the new slide locks in which only took a few minutes.
We’re off about 8:30 AM towing the Jeep and motorcycle trailer behind it with 235 miles to get to Vegas Baby. Basically it was straight up route 93 which was a nice drive all the way. Carol took some pictures..
Nellis AFB FamCamp, FHU 50/30 AMP for $22 a night. About an 80 foot pull thru.
Temp is 85 for a high and the humidity is 23%. Suppose to get down to the 70’s towards the end of the week.
Later we met our daughter at the base visitor center to get her on base. After waiting in line 45 minutes they told me & Carol that our I.D. cards weren’t in the system and thus couldn’t get her on base. We were told to go to base I.D. tomorrow to get it straighten out. k09uj5memdsdlkj[cx9u9cxiuvodsiafoifrepom and that ain’t all I said….
See what happens tomorrow.
See ya…………