No, not that kind of strip. Carol & I drove the Vegas strip on the Harley trike. We even stopped at the Harley Davidson dealer on the strip and looked around. Sorry, I don’t really see $38+ for a T-shirt.
We met Nick & Terry Russell at the Boulder Station Casino for their lunch buffet at 1:30. If you apply and get a members’ player card the buffet was only $6.99. We also got a buy one get free. Our lunch for two was $8 and change. The food was OK. Setting down and shooting the breeze with Nick & Terry was great and well over do.
We didn’t get to see Nick’s cat. Oh that’s Greg, the other Nick. I had to put the GoPro camera in a plastic bag because Nick was slobbering all over it. He has a blog at You probably already read it. We solved all the world’s problems in theory….”get over it!” We got to talk about our “normal” families.” It was really great sharing……. We stayed for so long that buffet was changing over for dinner (4 PM). We were still full from the lunch.
We wanted to meet up with Gary & Mary Olson who live here but it just didn’t happen. Maybe in August we will have the opportunity again to try.
Well, my left foot started to hurt again a few days ago so I started taking the meds again. Old people don’t have money pouches they have pill pouches. The older we get the bigger the pill inventory. Got back from this running around and the foot is really hurting….blah…blah. No shoes for awhile again.
Our daughter Kristy came over for some of Mom’s home cooking dinner, hot dogs and tater salad. Isn’t that what all full timers eat? Kristy got to watch us load the motorcycle up, hook it up to the Jeep and then hook it all up to the RV. She said it looked awful long. It is. Then we put away our outside stuff. She said that it seemed like a lot of work and I guess it is to a non RVer. We didn’t do the hook ups. That will happen in the morning.
Well, with triple digit temps coming in a few days we’re out of here tomorrow. We will be heading for the mountains and trees. Which way do we go?
See ya…………..