Sunday, November 30, 2014

Greatest Ride So Far

Mark was having a bad hair day but other than that it was a great day.DSCN0500

Our little jaunt today was about 220 miles.  It was the best ride so far.  Plenty of back nice back roads with curves and scenery.  We stopped here for lunch.  It was a little hidden gem.  We needed a nap afterwards.  Oh well.  DSCN0501 DSCN0502


Taking pictures at 60-70 MPH on a motorcycle is a little different.  Not really any side pictures just straight ahead.DSCN0504 DSCN0506


Here we are at Lake Livingston State Park.  Mark was still enjoying lunchDSCN0512 DSCN0513

We left about 9:30 AM and got back home at 3:30 PM.  Temps were in the seventy's and the sun was out.  The winds kept us alert in several areas.  It was our best run so far.  The month of December looks like it won’t be as great due rain and cooler weather.  Where’s those rain suits?

The GPS system on my bike didn’t work.  It just wasn’t bright enough.  Yes, it was on the brightest setting.  Oh well…

See ya….