A cold 43 degrees was the high for today. It started raining last night and went on until about 4 PM. That’s bad enough and it was windy. I would go out and do things but not in the wind.
So I was rechecking our ferry route along with the day of departures and arrivals at each port on the internet. The Ferry System deleted a ferry on one route that I was planning on using. Normally that wouldn’t be a problem BUT it was our first ferry leaving on Tuesday May 2 from Prince Rupert. The next scheduled ferry leaves the following Friday. That changed every ferry we were gonna go on. You have to remember these ferries do not run everyday. One port (Sitka, AK) only has two ferry arrival/departures and those are Saturday and Sunday. Most are 3-4 times a week. So now we have to change our schedule for each port area. We still plan to get off the ferry at each port and spend several days. Changes here and there and go with it. Even if we had reservations for the ferry Tuesday they would notify me to change the date. So, we won’t be in Alaska (Ketchikan) until 5 May now.
We watched some local TV and so it was a quiet day even with the rain bouncing off the roof.
Retirement is watching others go outside to get to work in the rain.
See ya when we see ya……