Being a blog I have to start it off with food to be in the swing of things.
Ed/Sandy and us piled into our shiny Mariner with a new windshield and headed for old Yuma for breakfast. Yesterday I passed a place called Brownies and I said, Yep, that’s a restaurant with a lot of character. That means old looking it.
It was a great breakfast and the atmosphere was really homey.
We got back to the rigs and finished up getting ready to head out on our 100 mile trip to Qsite and finish up with the RV repairs.
We left about 9 something. Carol had the camera.
We arrived at RV Lifestyles for repairs. We left in the car fur lunch, etc.
We drove out to Plomosa Rd and followed Denny/Susie and Ed/Sandy into the boone area. Denny/Susie took the site to the right and we took the site to the left. Both areas are easy to find and seen from the road. Here’s Ed.
and here’s looking out our front window.
Our exact parking sites will be determined tomorrow. Earlier Bud & Cathie Carr came out to greet us all. They're with the Escapers out at Pilot Knob.
We went to bed at dark and got up at early light.
Retirement is doing something for something. Remembering what for is the question.
See ya when we see ya…….