Yep, I really don’t remember everything, it’s kinda of a blur because of the poo poo that I ended up dealing with. Maybe it was too much Ibuprofen for my back. I called the Escapees because I got a bill for our sewer back at Livingston. The Escapees base the bill on the water usage. Our water has been turned off since Dec 26. The girl said that I had to notify them to stop the sewer bill. I said if you base the sewer bill on water usage and it’s zero usage, shouldn’t the sewer bill be zero. “No because you didn’t notify us the water was turned off.” I said OK I would like to notify you that the water is turned off. She said I needed to fill out a form. I said I was in AZ. She said she would send me one. It’s going down hill from here because I’m getting an attitude. I asked how come the Escapees require me to fill out a form when both the electric company and the water company I just call them up to start and stop their service and their not even Escapees! “We can’t tell them what to do Mr Hill.” I’m &*^%)@# now. Now, I have to pay for January and February because they are lacking common sense what it boils down too. She said she would put the turn off on temp hold till she got my signed formed. Stupid policy and a waste of a tree, employee's time, filing and the space/file to keep it in. I bet I don’t have to call them to get it “turned on” – it’s the firggin sewer! They will just watch my water bill and when it becomes active then they will charge me accordingly. I ain’t filling out any form to have my sewer “turned off”! I should protest at Escapees Hq like the people in Wisconsin. “Stupid” crap!!!! (pun intended).
Then I went over to Bob’s & Molly place in the Foothill’s. Bob is showing me what I need to do to run a LP line off the Dutch Star’s big LP tank to a grill. This can be done real easily for RV’s with portable tanks but motorhomes it becomes a different problem. It’s the hook up between the line and the grill. Big grills have a little different hook up than the Wal-Mart specials. Anyhow, I left their place because they wouldn’t feed me (just kidding). I waved at Harrell who was standing nearby as I left their place on a hunt for this special device. I found one (kinda) at my third stop but had to order it and did.
Back at the rig I called the Texas DMV about their written request for me to send them the original title to them for the Dutch Star vice a copy. They said that they only had a copy. My reply was no they had the only original. I asked if they could look at it while I was on the phone. “No the supervisor had it. I will call you when she is done.” and hung up. Very unusual from my dealings with them in the past. What kind of people am I dealing with or did my brain turn into goop. Of course they did not call back during the day. Being ignorant of something is OK but being stupid (knowing better)just gets me going.
I ordered the Transport Wrap (3) for the front end of RVs for our trip to Alaska. That went pretty smooth once I got past their “don’ sell to the public” mode. I did that by telling them that I owned a RV Driving School and gave them our web page and they verified my name. No big deal…..the girl was very nice and not stupid! She worked it out.
So anyhow, I went out to dinner with Dan & Jenny Sheppard, one of our instructors and his wife, to Applebee’s. We got there and they said it would be about a 20-30 minute late. I was laughing and asking them if they knew of anyplace where there wasn’t a wait. Maybe I over medicated again because I was having fun with all the sour faces waiting. Then I was joking with people coming in that it was about an hour wait but they would be served free drinks, etc and so on. I was having fun and the Applebee's folks were laughing too. We got seated in less than 10 minutes. I ordered the fish & extra extra crispy taters. When they delivered the crisp fish and mushy fries I balked. The waitress gladly got me some crispy fries then and they were great. The fish was pretty good. We had our departing hugs and I will see them (Dan & Jenny – not Applebee’s) again next week.
Tomorrow I got the TV King Dome guy coming out, gotta clean the freezer down below from the soda that exploded in it, call GEICO to get insurance on my Mom’s mobile in Livingston and maybe shine a wheel or two. I think it’s gonna be a better day – what could wrong, right?
See ya………….