Sunday, August 22, 2010

The Goshen Gang

Denny & Susie had to leave this A.M. for a doctor appointment first thing Monday in Louisville, KY.  Susie’s wrist was acting up and the doctor wanted to check it out.  They took their car and left their rig.  We get to watch their two kitties.  Drive safe you guys.

The rest of us got an invite for a Pot Luck down in Goshen by the Goshen Gang.  We call the SKPs down in Goshen the Goshen Gang and we are of course the Elkhart Gang - SKPs up in Elkhart.  Their getting ready for the Escapade and we are getting ready for the Gypsy Journal Rally. They’re working and we’re not.

We ate, played games, ate, BS’ed, ate, and then we snacked.  I think I over did it when it came to drinking.  I had three bottles of water and could hardly move without making noises. Carol says I’m always making noises.  Hey, I’m old and things are loser and wind escapes.  At least that’s the excuse the old guys tell me to say.

Carol took this picture of her feet.  She must have been bored. I think Marlene painted them. It must be a girl thing like high school or maybe grammer school.  I would say kindergarten but I would get in trouble. SDC10819

When you get a certain age you can no longer drink out of a regular glass because of the dribbles. Tommie sue graduated and got her first sippy cup.SDC10826

She was so happy and proud like a baby. I think she still dribbled a little. SDC10823




Here is Kellie. She was our game organizer. Most people called her our drill sergeant and she ran a tight ship.  “NO TALKING!” was heard often all over the fairground by all.SDC10829

HERE’S BOB!!!!! Everybody had been kidding Bob about his - - -  - will they have been kidding him and he’s been taking it like a BIG guy.  I thought a nice picture (upper half) would be in order.  I had to wait four hours for this normal shot.  Bob, thanks for being the butt of our joking. Ahhhhhh, ain’t he cute………SDC10827

See ya…………..

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