Tuesday, March 25, 2014


Update…….Still waiting for the Freightliner part that was suppose to be in last Thursday/Friday.

Update…….Selling the Lot.  Still waiting for a Closing Date.  We were told no later than 4 April.  Sounds like we gave the title company 2 weeks to do about 3-4 days of work.

Update…. Emptying the shed that sets on the Lot -  almost done.  Looking real good.  Sold some stuff, gave away some stuff, and will store some stuff at friends.

Update…….  Birthdays, anniversaries, etc.  Yep, we had some around the neighborhood.  Probably again about the same time next year.

Update……Friends.  Everybody doing fine.  Ate the last of the ribs with Sharon & Don the other night.  We had hamburgers over at Kellie & Walt’s one night.

Update…….ATVing.  Went out with Denny and he got stuck in about 2 feet of water.  He nor his Polaris Razor float.  I winched them out and them towed them about 7 miles.  Susie brought the trailer out and took the Razor back home.  It was water logged (the Razor)but dried out in time and runs fine now.  Denny too.

Update…….I got a haircut and shaved if anybody cares.

Update….Honey do’s.  I guess I will have to start that list.  I need some brownie points.

See ya………….