First thing this AM I went to the DMV to get tags for trailer. They open at 8 AM. No problem. Just throw money at them.
Oh yea, yesterday morning I went to the town barber at 7:15 AM. He opens at 7 AM and there were 3 guys ahead of me. Oh well, I needed one.
Got back and put the Mariner in the Barn and disconnected the battery, etc.
Then loaded the trike into the trailer and strapped it down. These are the locks that I locked it up with.
For lunch I went up to the La Colona. Their were 6 of us total and the place was crowded.
Filled the Jeep up with $2.07 gas. It went up 8 cents over night.
I was invited over to Jim and Kim Waddles for a taste of Kim’s home brew. It must have been alright because I had two glasses.
Back to the mobile and finish packing and getting ready to leave tomorrow (Friday).
Mark came over later and we had frozen egg rolls and some three day old Walmart chicken. Not bad considering that was all I had to offer.
We talked some more about our plans to tour California in mid March. Now we need someone who can put us up for a night. And then someone else somewhere else. So, are you that person in California? We have no destination.
See ya…..