Saturday, February 14, 2015

Here Today Gone yesterday…

Friday and I was on the road.

Well, it’s Saturday and I’m back in Congress, AZ.  It was only 1,300 miles.  I left Friday 4 AM and got back about 2 PM Saturday.  The Jeep, trailer, me and bike all did real well on the trip back.  Here are some pics after I arrived……DSC_0002 DSC_0003


You can’t tell but I’m backing it up…..DSC_0006

Somebody was really enjoying it….DSC_0013

We’re off and around the park.DSC_0014

We’re back…Carol said it was a lot more comfortable than the other one.DSC_0016

We had a nice social at Ed & Sandy’s with them, Walt & Kellie and Denny & Susie. 

I went to bet about 8 PM and slept thru to 7 AM this morning.  I guess I was a little pooped out…..

See ya…….