Here at Riley Campground in Denali NP the temps were in the high 70’s, sun was out and the sky was so blue. Carol & I sat out most of the day just enjoying it all. The Arctic Squirrels where playing and the birds where abound. It was just one of those nice days to watch and enjoy.
Later the Loosey Goosey clan gathered over Mark and Wendy’s site. We had a lot fun as usual. Most people shared their future plans for the next few weeks. That’s very gracious and adventurous when members share their plans with others. Everybody has plans maybe just not exact dates or even definite places. A few people I’m sad to say don’t share their short term loosey goosey plans for what ever the reason but it’s not because they have none…no such thing! That’s sad not sharing with others. You know, the sun will come up some time tonight.
Tomorrow we head south to Talkeetna (150 miles) for two nights. This is where 12 Loosey Goosey members got thrown out of a restaurant in 2011. They were complaining out loud about the very poor service they received to new customers entering the restaurant. It was poor service and I was there. The worst we had ever received in our life time and others too. Plus, the place tacked on an 18% gratuity that they all refused to pay. Then they got thrown out and didn’t pay a thing. The name of the place was and is the West Rib Pub & Grill. The owner is Dennis Freeman who I have emailed several times then and now. Some people are ahead of us and we will see what they think.
See ya…….