I supervised (watched) Ed & Denny working on getting Ed’s new Jeep (2012) all wired up to tow. They had a few glitches but kept at it. Without my supervision I’m sure they would have finished about a half hour earlier.
A couple of lookie lou’s on the Polaris RZR today. I think if I would have charged to look at it I would be better off. It’s only a matter of time.
About 4 PM we went over to the Pelly’s for a very special get together. Ernie & Kolume (sp) were here and staying with the Pelly’s for a couple of days. There were a lot of their old time friends there to say HI to. We knew just about all of them old friends too. Oh no, we’re old too! I think we were just about the youngest old.
See ya……..