Yes, a motorcycle is a recreational vehicle, at least mine is.
Mark and I finally are going riding. The rain has been very unpredictable. Today was a 40% chance of showers. We figured if it wasn’t raining when we were going to leave….. that was good enough for us.
At 7AM we met up and it wasn’t raining. We both brought raingear because we just knew we were going to get soaked. The rain was coming from the north so we went East. We stopped for an early lunch at a little grocery store/grill in Mila, TX. Milam is on the border of the Sabine National Forest and Toledo Bend Reservoir. We just about finished our hamburgers when the rain came. It poured down. I ran out and got my helmet and got pretty wet. About 15 minutes later it settled down into a light drizzle.
We got our rain gear on and continued East into Louisiana away from the rain.
After crossing into Louisiana we turned North and followed the Toledo Bend Reservoir up.
On the way up I ran out of gas. AND it was on purpose. I carried a one gallon can of gas because I needed to run out of fuel. This was to test my fuel gauges. I have three of them. As it turned out one on the tank was useless. The two digital ones were more accurate but still about 15 miles off. When you only carry 6 gallons of fuel that is a lot of mileage at least for me. So anyhow, I put the gallon in and changed out of our rain gear.
We went another 13 miles and fueled up all the way. It took 5 gallons and we were on our way again.
Above the Reservoir we turned left and went back into Texas. Next stop was Nacogdoches visitors center to get rid of some excess water that we had no need to carry. The restrooms…..
Then we went South West and this is getting boring. We ended up in Livingston on our lot about 4 PM. Here’s Mark on his antique BMW. It’s not as old as Mark so who’s the antique.
We went right about 400 miles or so. This is the longest ride we’ve been on together in one day. Previously it was 375 miles in one day on our one week tour of California and Nevada earlier this year.
We both went our ways until another clear day.
My trike is wet road dirty. It went into the Barn until I’m ready to wash it along with ALL the others vehicles that are dirty. Damn that’s a lot of stuff to wash.
See ya……