We started off today at Kathy’s Diner here in Watson Lake with friends. Carol & I shared a breakfast. This is one breakfast special on two plates with a coffee for $12.95.
These people must be from Texas because it was big.
The weather has been great lately. High’s in the 70’s and last night it did get down to 40 degrees. It’s been awhile since the “Baby” been’s washed and it is pretty dirty with a capital D. I will wash it when we get to Whitehorse.
We emptied our tanks, filled up with water, packed up and moved over to Sign Post City for the putting up the Loosey Goosey Sign at high noon. Low and be hold who were there but the Pinners Escapade Gang. The Loosey Goosey Group are just about all here.
They were taking pictures of Carol & I so I took one of them.
People wanted a picture of me & Carol so we gave them one!
Then on down the road with everybody going into different groups and doing different things. Our group of 3 rigs went on up the road with another 3 a few miles back.
It was Ed’s birthday so we wasted some cheap cards and unique presents on him.
Here’s our site in Teslin Provincial Park, no hook up and $12 a night. There’s 6 of us (Loosey Goosey RVs) in here.
Everybody's plans have changed so we changed our too! We’re not going to Skagway via RV but rather by passenger ferry from Haines. First will be Carcross then up to Whitehorse then Haines. Flexibility is the name of the game. It brightens up the adventure.
See ya…..