We’re still near Baltimore at Carol’s brother place next to the garage in the RV. We’ve been running the roof heat pumps when the nights have been above 30" degrees or so. Not a whole bunch. Tonight it’s suppose to get below 30 degrees so I will do a change over to electric heaters in the middle of the night probably.
Seems like nothing has changed a whole bunch up here at Carol’s brother’s place. It’s just cold and raining a lot.
Kraig has an appointment this Wednesday. It’s results will give us an idea when we will be heading out of here and down to Fredericksburg, Va. We will probably go down near Fort A. P. Hill. They have a campground that will do for us for awhile.
Since not a whole bunch is happening here I don’t do a blog everyday but I will tell you that it’s been raining a lot and cold. Also, we’ve been eating but no pictures and very little details. We had Texas smoked pulled pork and it was damn good.
We had some friends that are flying up to Fairbanks, Alaska to see the Blue Lights in the sky early this week. We were invited months ago but no thanks. We just have too much going on and don’t need that expense for sure. Maybe they will send me some pictures I can use.
Retirement is happening one way or another.
See ya when we see ya……