Friday, August 10, 2018

Day 5

Carol is up by 6 AM and I follow shortly there after.  No, the sun is not up yet.  Carol said she went to bed at 8 PM last night is why she is up so early.  Kraig was the last one up.

How about this clean looking Jeep


I think that Kraig nibbled on thisDSC_0005-001DSC_0007-001

Here’s Mark’s rig.  He’s about 150 feet away from us.DSC_0008DSC_0009-001

We have a real good view out there about 100 feet.DSC_0010-001DSC_0012-001

I had one bulb out of four brake lights' go bad.DSC_0013-001

Kraig is setting out looking at the view.DSC_0014-001

Mark fixed us all some gumbo that was really good.DSC_0016-001

It started to do the Alaska drizzle around 5:30 PM.  We all went in and a quite night again.

Retirement is getting fat and not really worry about it until your clothes start becoming tight.