Starting in the early morning (5 AM) I was off on the wrong foot. My computer wouldn’t let me get my emails. It said error. Well, that’s the extent of my computer knowledge is reading what the problem is and not knowing what to do. I resolve matters like this by pushing keys until I get a reaction of some type. That usually gets me in deeper problems. So I pushed buttons until it either works or goes down hard. Hey, it works now.
Then I tried to log in on our local bank. They changed my password or at least it’s different than what I had. Now I got to wait until they open up later.
I tried my Mom’s bank. No luck. What the hell. I think they are all out to make me crazy (crazier).
Next was to log on to my blog account and see what’s happening. They too have a different password than I. It’s a conspiracy.
I have OVER 2 dozen passwords. Everything from Amazon to Freightliner to SKP. Why?
It’s now 6:30 AM and my day so far is a disaster in working.
I went to our local bank and got that all cleared up.
Got back to the RV and called the other bank (Mother’s) and got that all cleared up. I’m on a roll.
Next was to straighten up the garage. That’s hard to screw up. Just move one thing around and it’s straighten up better. Dave Wilson came over and harassed me. Him and his wife Jan are going to Alaska in 2017. They’ve been before. He was putting solar panels on his rig and heard me start my Harley. They have a lot two down from us and yes the Harley is that loud that Dave heard it. Just funning…
Mark dropped off his meat grinder and then had to go back to work. You know those working people have to go back to work. For him at least another 5 months until he retires.
I had a 7 lb pork butt all thawed out and ready to do it to it. I cut it up into chunks that would fit into the grinder. I ran the meat thru twice using the coarse blade and once with the medium blade while adding seasoning to include caraway seed. After all that I stuck it the frig. From the time I started to putting in the freezer all packaged and sealed up in my machinein took about 4 hours. It made 5 lbs 5 oz of lean pork out of a 7 lb pork butt.
We had some of it for dinner. I cooked it like you might a hamburger with white gravy, corn and mashed potatoes. I cooked the meat and Carol cooked everything else. The meat is really a sausage patty. It has very little fat and it was really good. Carol even liked it.
Guess what I had for snackHot cheese and Yoohoo. What could be better?
In the evening Carol and I went and visited Jim & Linda Works in the campground. Friends that go way back in the full timing world. They just got a 2017 25 foot View. It’s nice. They went up to Alaska via the Marine Highway in 2008 in a truck camper. They want to join the Loosey Goosey 2017 Alaska group and go up North. No problem…..
Retirement is realizing you are still working and not getting paid anymore.
See ya………..