Thursday, March 22, 2018

Sunny & Cold

Not bad for a day of spring.  Sun’s out, no more snow, it’s melting, no wind, and no loose nuts, just a little cold (43 degrees) in the middle of the day.

Out our front windshield this AMDSC_0019DSC_0002


You set the table.DSC_0006About 5 minutes I give her setting there….DSC_0011Too our dump….DSC_0013

There’s a slide topper up there somewhere.  I gotta get up there and nock off the snow!DSC_0014There’s two AC units up there.DSC_0017

I would have shot from the rear but I didn’t have the wide angle lens with me.DSC_0018

Butch & Kathy came later in the afternoon.  About half the snow had melted away by then so parking wasn’t too much of a problem.

Retirement is not having to go out in this stuff unless you want too.

See ya when we see ya……