I left Baltimore 9 Sept (Wed AM) using my brother in law’s Ford Explorer towing my motorcycle/trailer. I arrived in Livingston, TX on 10 Sept (Thur AM) 1,400 miles done. Yes, it can be done and was. I left Livingston on 13 Sept (Sun AM) now driving our Jeep and towing the motorcycle/trailer. I arrived in Tucson on 14 Sept (Mon AM) 1,100 miles. I left Tucson 15 Sept (Tues PM) in the Jeep towing the motorcycle/trailer for Livingston again. I arrived in Livingston on 16 Sept (Wed PM) 1,100 miles again. It’s now Sat and I’m still in Livingston. Why haven’t I left Livingston for Balto. My body said, NO! Why am I driving all these miles? Stay tuned for the “rest of the story” as Paul Harvey use to say.
Carol is staying in Balto with her brother in our RV while I go drive the U.S.A. looking for….?
See ya……………