We got into Livingston about 3 PM. Here are some pics along the way.
Stop and go. Bad back up for us…
We’re back in Texas. How can you tell? Well, 75 MPH on a back road is normal……!
These black dots on the front are called Lovebugs (dead) and this only about 50 miles of them. It’s messy for about 2 months then they’re gone.
The lot needs work like getting rid of the dead weeds and the live ones too. Carol’s Mariner would not start. It appears the charger was dead. Evidentially there was an electrical outage in the area and the charger circuit blew when it came back on. Thus a trickle charger did not work. Now it’s on a trickle charger for the night. It did start with Wayne’s auto charger.
Our lot water was on for some reason. We did turn it off and notified the water company when we left. Oh well. Flushed the lines on the lot and in the mobile. The electric we leave on for guests. Turn everything on in the mobile home and it’s ready to go. We stay in our “Baby” but when we have guests we move over to the mobile.
See ya…….