When we sit at one location for a week or so I like to really clean the outside of the coach. We’ve had great sunny weather and expect more. Over the past two weeks I’ve washed the “Beast”, wiped it down with vinegar to remove water spots, waxed it with a paste wax and then a detailer wax, shined the wheels, washed the tires and made them shine like new. I even removed all of the rear tail lights and cleaned and waxed them before reinstalling them. A real fine dust got inside the lens.
On the roof I cleaned and waxed the vent covers, solar panels, TV sat & ACs. I’ve reorganized the compartments below twice and cleaned them. We leave Sunday and the only thing I got left to do is the windshield. Which I did of course. Here’s the cracked windshield.
Thanks for all of the suggestions on removing old water spots. Vinegar works a little on windows but is better on our paint and removing water spots. I used rubbing compound and it worked poor to fair. I tried glass stove top counter cleaner (heavy duty) and it worked the best but did not remove all the spots. It’s just OK. I did not try the 3000 sand paper but will somewhere down the road. Thanks ….now I just need to find someone to work hard on removing the spots.
We will leave Sunday and will go down the road and get 30 gallons of diesel. That will enable us to make it to Sheridan, WY. Diesel is $3.69 (2 stations) there and we will need by then over 125 gallons probably. We will save about $20 doing it this way. $20 bucks is $20 bucks.
We will leave here with about 1/3 tank of water for those that want to know.
We don’t know where we are staying Sunday night. It might be a campground or a closed down business in a small city. No big deal. Some RVers can’t travel that way but we have no problem what so ever. Gillette is about 460 miles and we don’t need to make it in a day. Plus a portion of that will be off the interstate. We will probably go about 300 miles or so. Then we will arrive in Gillette Monday before noon. I got my first student Tuesday, then Wednesday and Thursday a few more. Friday we start the Escapees Boot Camp. I do a seminar and follow it with a driving demo. Carol does the driving and I do the talking. We’ve done it before and it’s a really big hit. Especially when Carol parks the Beast in a 45 degree back in site. She takes a bow and all that stuff……
Well, if we get the satellite up we will do a Sunday blog. Otherwise…..
See ya…………………
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