Saturday, November 15, 2014

Boot Camp Discussion

We spent some time at the Boot Camp.  Served the students breakfast and then later dinner too.  We’re kinda the extra help and sometimes get in the way. 

Here the students are having a discussion with a full timer.  A full timer staff member sets down with the students at each table for about 10 minutes.  The students get to ask them any type of questions.  After about 10 minutes the full timer rotates to another table.  This is usually the first time that the students have ever gotten to set down and talk with a full timer.  It’s a great learning experience.DSCN0474 DSCN0477


Here’s Mac The Fire Guy display.  He puts also a great show of the different types of fires.DSCN0475


I told Jim not to worry that this picture was blurry and people couldn’t tell it was him.DSCN0476 

Boy, did it rain hard last night.  We didn’t melt.

See ya……………