Saturday, March 29, 2014

Over There Over Here Things Everywhere

I went up to the Activity Center for breakfast.  Kelly was the head cook.  The egg/sausage burritos were good.  Here’s Denny waiting for a customer.  George in the background. DSC_0018

Friends galore….DSC_0017

Mary Pelly..the Grand Ole Lady.DSC_0019

and hubby Gail.  He knows where the food goes.  I think he is 90+ years old and still has his wits.DSC_0020

Our shed is now empty and will be waiting for it’s new owners.DSC_0022

As well as this young little bunny.DSC_0023


The ATV is stored away on Ed & Sandy’s place for another time.DSC_0025

Plus we have parts over on Denny & Susie’s place.  It’s hard to have a fun place to stay without storage for the toys.  Thanks all you guys…..

Much later that evening we stopped over Sharon & Don’s for set outside time.  It was dark with no wind. Very nice outside.  We all talked about our plans for the summer.  We just might meet up with them in the Autumn on the East coast.

Tomorrow is NACAR time.  Come on Dale, another top 3 finish.

See ya…..