Thursday, February 9, 2012

Nice Start

I slept in until 8 AM.  Then Carol cooked me breakfast.  This is so rare that I thought I was still sleeping and dreaming.  Maybe I should rethink about getting up before dawn and not getting a cooked breakfast.DSC_0002


We went for a little walk and caught this quail setting around.DSC_0004


Denny didn’t return yesterday as planned.  He decided (Susie really) to go ahead and get the AC in their rig fixed while at Freightliner.   Now he will be back tomorrow.

In the mean time it’s birthday time for Jerry Lea. Here’s the I’m ready take the picture pose.DSC_0009

Here’ the  before picture..all sorts of things are running thru her mind. One can only imagine.  Like, “Does each candle mean 5 years or 10 years?”DSC_0006

Friends……………….DSC_0011 DSC_0012 DSC_0017

““I like birthdays when they aren’t mine.”DSC_0016

A good time was had by all…….

Tomorrow is off roading..

Oh, Nick Russell, those  were probably Love Bugs that God sent you.  Oh, I haven’t shined my wheels or washed the rig since last year.  Not even dusted after Quartzsite.  I’m retired!

See ya….