Meet Carol’s brother the diesel mechanic.
He started out clean several hours ago before starting work on our RV/home. He’s a damn good mechanic and is proud of his work. He found and corrected some problems underneath the rig. That’s nice. He changed the oil and filters to include the generator plus squirted some grease around. Thanks David.
We fit real nice in his bay at work.
This all happened Saturday. Sunday we were going to hook up the car and go to the TTN Hershey park BUT…… no electrical chord or chains to tow the car. I’ve been towing the Harley trailer and it don’t use any of that stuff. Carol has been following behind in her car. I evidently left the electrical hook up and chains back in Livingston by mistake. So Carol had to drive the car again to Hershey.
It was about a 110 mile trip north. It was a nice trip with not too many idiots out. When we arrived at the TTN Hershey park it looked nice and it was crowded. They have 300 sites and had about 30 or so empty. We haven’t been here in years but knew about where we wanted to be. We got real lucky. Here’s our site. It’s a 50 AMP full hook up.
Our backyard at an angle.See that small opening to the left in the above picture… here is what I saw with my Nikon 300 mm zoom lens in full use. Love that zoom….
A couple hundred yards away were these geese wandering down the road without a care in the world.
We'll be here in Hershey until Friday and then we will return back to Columbia (Balto).
Oh, we’ve been conferring with Lazydays in Tucson, AZ for the past week about a 24 foot class C they have. Yesterday they made me a deal that I refused. Then I made them an offer that they refused. They (sales manager – Bill Pickles) will rethink about my offer and get back to me. Sounds like another offer coming up. It’s my deal or no deal it’s that simple.
No we are not getting rid of our RV/home or slowing down. Just exploring our options and possibilities with a smaller rig at times.
See ya………..