We left Yuma about 8 AM with about 300 miles to go. Much of it will be around LA and on a holiday Friday. I forgot what day it is. That’s not unusual for a full time RVer. I figure since the Beast & Jeep are so shiny that drivers can’t see and will have to pull over. No, they drive that way even if they can’t see .
We are headed for the Thousand Trails (TTN) park called Soledad near Acton. Acton is just south of Palmdale. We were there last year and the park had really gone down hill over the years due to management. We informed TTN headquarters and sent them pictures. We got a standard business reply back. I wonder if any changes have resulted.
The Beast (RV) ran like a dream all the way. It was nice to get in a half day of driving (300 mi). My cruise control was giving me a fit by not coming on sometimes. I will have to take a rubber hammer to something.
We arrived about 1:45 to the park. While going to our site an idiot ran thru the dump station in his big car to get ahead of me. I will find him eventually (site) and turn his butt into the manager. We got a 30 AMP FHU site. Nice voltage and water pressure. Temp is about 80 degrees. The wind is blowing enough not to put the awning out. Maybe we’re still in Yuma….
We went for a walk. Didn’t see the SOB’s car.
Here’s some pics on the way here….how about a balloon as we are pulling out..
He was close to the water but landed safely…
Within an hour I was honking my big horns.
Smile…your tax dollars working?
Immigration check…
Salton Sea..
and here’s the other guy…
Someone has a project…

My next fuel stop is Flying J in Bakersfield. Diesel went up 5 cents overnight. Seems like someone said the economy is doing real good. All stock markets are going up with records. Oil companies are thinking if they are making money now why not raise prices and make more money. It just don’t make sense. I know it’s not that simple…too bad….it’s just plain old greed what it really is!
See ya…