No it’s not Howdy Doody time. It’s 3 :30 AM and 30 degrees outside. I just finished yesterday’s blog and sent it on it’s way. I loaded up the disc for making our printer wireless AGAIN. I’ve done it about 3 or 4 times over the past year or so. It seems to drop out of the system about every other month or so. This time I made a big boo boo. When I buy a computer and everything works fine I don’t let it get updates from the internet. Well, I pushed the wrong button and before I knew it was getting 43 updates. I hope it don’t screw up and update something that I’m not familiar with. Time will tell.
Then I did Carol’s computer wireless to the printer. I’m ain’t no geek and not even in the car to drive to the park to be in the same park as one.
During this quiet time I looked over travel routes, fuel prices, and Things To Do List before we leave. We had several offers to do different things but our hitch itch is getting pretty bad. We are leaning pretty heavy towards leaving the 26th and heading West via Midland, TX. We haven’t been this way for many years so why not? It’s almost all back roads. That is if there is no ice/snow storm up there. I checked the handy dandy weather 10 day forecast and it looks doable. I also make a list of things I would like to get done that day. I put it on a back of an old business card and carry it with me. This way I don’t have to remember things. I might put things off but I don’t forget. Of course I get side tracked and forget to look at the card sometimes. It all gets done sooner or later.
Oh, Leon came over yesterday. He wants to add one leaf piece to the wall cabinet table top between the two cabinets. This is so when the table is pulled out, the leaf drops in where the table top was between the two cabinets. If you followed that and understand that, you aren’t normal. You’re like me! Pictures to follow when it’s done for others.
It’s 4:30 and time to go back to bed.
3 hours later up and attem.
La Colonia Mexican Restaurant for breakfast – why not. My system can take that stuff two days in a row as long as a toilet is around. It was pretty good I must say. I did find a toilet later with no problem. It all worked all quite well. Kinda a waste of money sometimes.
Then it was on down to Century II printing to pick up 4,500 rack cards for the George and the RV Driving School. Go to the web site and look at the invitation for the Quartzsite RV Driving School rally. It’s pretty cool and we will be there. Can you pick out the Beast in the Quartzsite picture in the web site? Can you find me, Denny Orr, Susie Orr or George?
I need to clean the roof and the solar panels of the Beast real bad before we leave. I will get up there and do it by bucket and rags. I don’t want to wash the tree crap down the clean sides. It ain’t gonna happen today in this 50-55 windy weather.
I dropped off about a dozen pictures of birds to the Escapees Headquarters for their future magazine hopefully. These were among my best Eagle shots while up in Alaska in 2011.
Then it was back to computer time. Trying to get Streets and Trips 2013 in two computers and update the half dozen trips or so with the new 2013. Jon Glick had to come over and help me with all that. He just pushed a few buttons and said, there it’s done. Getting the 2013 program into my little Acer computer was a lot harder. I had a portable drive that I had never installed or used of course. No problem. It just took time and I installed the 2013 and our trip out west into it. I use the Acer with a GPS hooked up to it and setting on the dash. Plus I got a Garmin. Plus I got Carol. I need to change these women voices to men except one that is of course.
We are just about all moved back into the Beast. That will be probably tomorrow for us and most of our stuff.
Bob Pinner called us. He’s half of the Escapade Directors. We told Molly we would be willing to help them a little bit if they needed any help at the Escapade. Molly is the prettier and smarter of the two….grin……points… grin… Oh no, maybe official poo picker uppers.
See ya……….