We have 75 miles to do today. The park we are going back to is the Coast 2 Coast Wilderness near Fredericksburg, VA. While getting ready we put in the awning at least we started to - wham on the side of the coach. The awning roller came loose from the arm while starting to come in. No wind present or past – it just broke. You can see how excited Carol was.
It took us about a half hour to get it rolled up but not operational.
Cheap pot metal couldn’t stand the stress of being a off center.
Why is it off center you ask. Last year Tiffin worked on it because I complained that the front arm wasn’t aligned properly. So after they finished the front one was aligned but the rear one looked like this and still does. I think Carol’s bro and myself will fix it this time.
Poor workmanship again by Tiffin and using poor quality parts. True not all Tiffin’s fault but if properly installed this would not happened on a two year awning for no cause other than rolling up crooked all the time. I wasn’t going to wine about this but last week the fresh water drain handle broke off – cheap plastic connection exposed to the weather – duh….surprised it lasted this long.
The check in person here at the Wilderness Park has been the best we ever had in the 10 years coming here. We even got a pretty good site but only 30 AMP. The one little snag with this park is that check out is 10AM and check in is 2PM and they are pretty firm with that. They haven’t learned to spell RV yet but our check in girl got the first letter right. 
On the bright side our black water tank level gauge hasn’t worked in about a year and half but is now. I’ve tried everything and have been over all kinds of roads – no luck. But today, I used about a 1/4 cup of Walmart concentrate laundry detergent and put in about 30 gallons of water. It worked. Hey I think they call that persistent or is it being obsessive. Glad I didn’t ask Tiffin to fix it. I’m sure they would have attempted. Oh, we are going back to Tiffin to get our driver and passenger chairs recovered, leak in slide out fixed and driver window replaced. I’m going to be like a fly on poo watching them this time more than ever. Poke us – we are really done………….
We took our son out to dinner to Arby’s. That’s where he wanted to go so that’s where we took him. Then he wanted to go bowling so we went bowling. He beat Carol and I the first game, then Carol beat everyone the second and of course I won the last game. We dropped him at his place and returned back to the Farton.
All is well…. see ya….