First we have to get ready. We obligated ourselves to go to the Chain Gang Park Clean Up. Every Monday the residents (a few) here at North Ranch get together and clean parts of the park for about an hour. It’s like a joint Moan & Groan (guys) and Stitch & Bitch (girls) Club gathering. Today it was the cactus park starting at 8 AM.
What can I say…I was taking pictures….
Next was to measure the lot for the electrical, water, and sewer then to map it out. One of the previous owners is staying on the lot since we aren’t using it. She’s here for a Beading Rally this week and needed a place to stay.
Our lot is the one between the two houses.
Next was to load and tie down the Razor in the truck. I will be towing this behind the Beast.
Carol will be driving the Mariner.
I got to map out our trip in her Mariner and the Beast. We will have phones of course plus walkie talkies for communications. We will be doing about 1200 miles leaving Tuesday. A two night stay over in Ajo visiting the Hinmans at their new place. Then a lay over in Deming, NM, a night in Balmorhea, TX, another night in Fredericksburg, TX and arrive in Conroe, TX Sunday. Dr’s start on Monday. Then Wednesday we complete the trip to Livingston. We hopefully will have only a few more Dr appointments during April. then back on the road again.
During the day I was over Walt & Kellie’s rig. Walt rushed out of the RV but his brain was working faster than his feet. He fell coming out of their RV. He landed on his face (no damage-still ugly), arm and hip on the rock driveway. Now his right and left eyes match as you can see.
Thank you everybody at North Ranch. Thank you very much. It was a blast.
We WILL see ya……..