We’re off and running at 8 AM, kinda. Our figgin steps wouldn’t go in and our electronic door lock wouldn’t work. Gee, paid La Mesa Tucson $226 to fix the identical same thing on March 2nd. We have an appointment with la Mesa Tucson to fix our slide out that La Mesa Tucson repaired also. I will try to go in without an attitude. Maybe a sarcastic one in front of customers.
Anyhow we stopped and did a dump before we left the park. Of course the water was not working at the dump to wash down things.
The drive to base was fine and just had to watch out for the step hanging out an extra 2 feet on the left.
Rice paddies galore. We get to base and it’s a very tight fit getting the RV through.
Came within a few inches of the roof of the guard building. OK, we made it. We’re following the base map address to the fuel station with diesel. Oh no, several bridges in a row with a 2 ton limit and no place to turn around . Wait a minute. Most cars weigh over 2 tons. I went for it. Onward to the gas station. It’s not there. I called base info who gave me the correct directions. Old map. We get there and it’s a little small but as along as no other cars pull in, no problem. Diesel went up 33 cents in 10 days. It was $2.93. Getting fuel, it shuts off at $90. $242 dollars later we’re done and no other vehicles around. Great. We head for the campground called FamCamp like most bases. Opps, just passed it. Wrong address on the map that I put in the GPS. Oh well. We drive a few miles and are able to turn around. We get to the FamCamp and the bulletin board has our site since we already made reservations. This Egret welcomed us.
No problem getting into it and we got FHU 50 AMP for $18 a night. Plus great Verizon and MiFi internet.
The Harley trailer we have to park just across the street behind us. It’s the old mobile home area.
We have to leave about 7:30 AM tomorrow to get to La Mesa in Davis by 10 AM our appointment time. That means we have to drive right thru Sacramento in the morning. The fun just keeps coming.
Now for NASCAR….
See ya………….